One of the best ways to see NYC is on a motorcycle! NYC Motorcycle Tours took me on an adventure that included Central Park, a stop at a local firehouse to honor a friend lost on 9/11, the Freedom Tower and Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges! The great thing about the bikes is that the seats are so comfy & secure, I could livestream and photograph the entire experience!

There are many people who want to buy motorcycles but do not know where to find motorcycles for sale. There are so many places to buy motorcycles from including dealerships and private parties, however, the best place to purchase a motorcycle is at a motorcycle trade show. A trade show allows you to look at all kinds of new and used motorcycles from dealerships and individuals. You can choose from bikes to fit your style from cruisers, touring bikes, sport bikes, and even motorcycles that are made for speed.

These days, the best urban motorcycles are those that can navigate, cut through traffic, and place you at the head of the mid-morning rush with ease. Acceleration and speed are nice qualities to have, but they take a back seat to mobility, compactness, and fuel economy. When looking for the perfect inner-city cycle, you’ll need something that can fulfill all of the aforementioned prerequisites with ease, while also offering you a bit more in terms of safety and manageable speed.

Here’s a great video of the adventures!

Riding a bike is better for the environment than driving a car. You use less fuel. Your transport uses less resources to build. … Motorbikes are generally also cheaper to buy, operate, and maintain than a car.